The screen navigation order is ScreenA -> ScreenB -> ScreenC. If we want to navigation from ScreenC and reset the stack to SreenA, we can do the following in ScreenC.
We can find a lot of tutorials about how to setup Android CI/CD. But it’s hard for us to setup the iOS CI/CD. Also It’s expensive to buy a Mac computer to run and build iOS app. As we can find Azure Devops provide MacOS build agent, we can build and publish the iOS app on Azure devops for a lot cheaper prices.
Here is a Pipeline example of building iOS app on Azure Devops:
<?php classRetailStore { useGeocodable; // Class implementation goes here }
Real implementation
The PHP interpreter copies and pastes traits into class definitions at compile time, and it does not protect against incompatibilities introduced by this action. If your PHP trait assumes a class property or method exists (that is not defined in the trait itself), be sure those properties and methods exist in the appropriate classes.
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<?php $geocoderAdapter = new \Geocoder\HttpAdapter\CurlHttpAdapter(); $geocoderProvider = new \Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMapsProvider($geocoderAdapter); $geocoder = new \Geocoder\Geocoder($geocoderProvider); $store = newRetailStore(); $store->setAddress('420 9th Avenue, New York, NY 10001 USA'); $store->setGeocoder($geocoder); $latitude = $store->getLatitude(); $longitude = $store->getLongitude(); echo$latitude, ':', $longitude;
A single server instance is good for development but it would be bad for production environment because it’s unable to scale horizontally. Also it’s a waste of money to let a giant instance run 7x24 while we just have a few rushing hours in a day. Therefore, we need to be able to scale horizontally base on the network traffic, server cpu utilization percentage etc.
How to use Elastic Beanstalk?
I will create the Elastic Beanstalk environment by a cloudformation template and make specific server instance change in project artifact’s .ebextension config files.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion:'2010-09-09' Resources: sampleApplication: Type:AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application Properties: ################################### # Specify the Application name here ################################### ApplicationName:ApplicationName(XXXXX) Description:AWSElasticBeanstalkSampleApplication sampleApplicationVersion: Type:AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion Properties: ApplicationName: Ref:sampleApplication Description:AWSElasticBeanstalkSampleApplicationVersion SourceBundle: ################################### # Specify the artifact's location ################################### S3Bucket:!Sub"elasticbeanstalk-samples-${AWS::Region}" sampleConfigurationTemplate: Type:AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate Properties: ApplicationName: Ref:sampleApplication Description:AWSElasticBeanstalkSampleConfigurationTemplate ################################### # Specify the solution stack name # The list of all solution stack can be found from ################################### SolutionStackName:64bitAmazonLinux2018.03 v2.8.1runningPHP7.0 OptionSettings: ################################### # Specify the option settings of environment and platform # - Environment options: # - Platform specific options: ################################### -Namespace:aws:autoscaling:asg OptionName:MinSize Value:'2' -Namespace:aws:autoscaling:asg OptionName:MaxSize Value:'6' -Namespace:aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment OptionName:EnvironmentType Value:LoadBalanced sampleEnvironment: Type:AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment Properties: ApplicationName: Ref:sampleApplication Description:AWSElasticBeanstalkSampleEnvironment TemplateName: Ref:sampleConfigurationTemplate VersionLabel: Ref:sampleApplicationVersion
NOTE: If we need to have immutable auto scaling, aws:elasticbeanstalk:healthreporting:system -> System Type should be set as “enhanced”.
How about the software and the script deployment in EC2 instance? How can we refer and use the environment variables in ebextensions? Here is an example